Please read these terms and conditions carefully before purchasing a product from this store. This agreement governs the further relationship between you and this store. By purchasing goods in the store, you agree to the following provisions.

1. General provisions

1.1. The store sells domains, websites, scripts, and services.

1.2. Sites and scripts are sold multiple times.

1.3. Sites that are sold in the store of our personal development or have undergone some changes and improvements

1.4. We allow you to use the purchased site or script multiple times, with the introduction of certain edits that uniqueize each of them on different domains for personal purposes.

1.5. Further resale of sites is prohibited. Sites that match more than 80% will be blocked due to copyright infringement and prohibited commercial activities. Claims will also be sent to the hosting provider that hosts this site and the domain name registrar, indicating the reason for the copyright infringement.

1.6. If the user resells the site and at the same time bought it from another user, and not in the store, he is not protected from such sanctions.

1.7. The client receives the purchased site or script in the form of a link to download this product to his mail, as well as to his personal account. The buyer undertakes to provide correct data. In the event that incorrect personal data is indicated, namely e-mail, we are not responsible for the fact that the buyer will not be able to download the purchased product.

1.8. When making a purchase in the store, the buyer must definitely read the FAQ section, since this section is an addition to this provision. In the event of the problems described in this section (FAQ), claims are not accepted.

1.9. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that you have reached the age of majority.

2. Domains

2.1. Each user can buy a domain that is available in this store.

2.2. We undertake to transfer the purchased domain to the client and guarantee a complete re-registration.

2.3. The buyer undertakes to transfer to us all the necessary data for the complete re-registration of the domain. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee a complete re-registration of the domain purchased by the buyer.

2.4. We undertake to send the client instructions on what to do in order to complete the re-registration of the domain and what information to transfer to us.

2.5. We undertake not to transfer to third parties personal information that buyers have transferred to us, except for resolving disputes.

2.6. Domain re-registration may take up to 15 working days after receiving from the buyer the necessary information for re-registration.

2.7. The client is obliged, for his part, to fill in all the necessary data on the side of the receiving registrar.

2.8 If the client does not provide the necessary data for re-registration of the domain within 15 calendar days, the order will be closed, and the domain will be put up for further sale in the store. In this case, a refund will not be possible, and the client will be able to receive this domain only after re-ordering and paying if it was not purchased by another user after putting it up for re-bidding.

3. Sites without a domain

3.1. A site without a domain is a full-fledged blank site with a customized appearance and the necessary plugins.

3.2. This category of sites is sold repeatedly and after the purchase they are not removed from the store and are available for purchase by other buyers.

3.3. Sites available for sale must match the individual description (product description).

3.4. We undertake to transfer the purchased site to the client as quickly as possible.

3.5. After paying for the goods and confirming the application by the store administration, the buyer receives a link to download the site archive. This archive should contain the Archive of the purchased site with all plugins, design and functionality corresponding to the description and the demo version provided, and the database for this site.

3.6. Sites are sold in the store only our development, and we have full copyright on the sites. When buying this site, the buyer does not receive copyright for this site.

3.7. We reserve the right to sell these sites more than once, with the exception of the situation of repurchasing the site in full with the rights. At the same time, we undertake to remove this site from the store and undertake not to sell this site to anyone else. In this situation, the site will be completely removed, and will not be sold anymore.

3.8. Autofilled sites require special hosting or a dedicated server with a certain set of add-ons. We recommend using or our personal hosting If the site is installed on an inappropriate hosting, we are not responsible for the correct and stable operation of the site as a whole. Claims in this case are not accepted.

3.9. In case of problems with the site installed on the recommended hosting, we undertake to take all measures to restore the site, while the buyer must provide us with all the necessary data. The exception is tariff plan restrictions, and restrictions on free disk space, as well as problems that may arise with security. If the site was suspended or incorrect work began due to lack of disk space, claims are not accepted. Also, the reasons for the inoperability of the site associated with the infection of the site or its hacking, or with the introduction of user changes, are also not considered.

3.10. Income sites that list estimated income do not guarantee that you will 100% receive such income. The amount is approximate and depends on many independent factors.

3.11. We are not responsible if the site is subjected to various hacks and is infected with viruses during operation.

3.12. We are not responsible if the site falls under various sanctions from search engines or otherwise.

3.13. When buying auto-filled sites, the buyer receives a site without content, and at the time of installing the site on the hosting, the content is activated. Thus, each site sold is different due to a different start time for auto-completion. However, the sources remain the same. The source is one configured auto-completion feed, from one site or from different ones. There can be multiple sources from one site. Autocomplete sites are filled with copy-pasted content.

3.14. If there are problems with the basic sources (sources that were installed initially), the client undertakes to issue a ticket to notify the administration about this problem. The administration is obliged to accept this application for consideration and release updates for this product or a separate export file of updated sources, which will appear in the client’s personal account in Available Downloads. The terms for updating a product or uploading an export file can be up to 1 month.

3.15. When developing the site, we use publicly available and purchased by us templates and plugins.

3.16. The administration is not responsible for problems associated with updating plugins, templates, CMS or making any changes by third parties.

3.17. The administration has the right to make changes in the description of the product or in the product itself without additional notice.

3.18. The number of autofill sources may change during product updates without additional notice to customers.

3.19. The administration is obliged to check the goods before selling for the presence of malicious codes. If the client has claims related to the infection of the site with malicious codes, but the source code (the site that the client downloaded) is not infected, then this problem will be solved only on a paid basis. The client has the right to refuse payment, but the work will not be performed.

3.20. It is not the responsibility of the administration to eliminate vulnerabilities that may be present on the site, since this concept is very vague.

3.21. The client is obliged to change passwords in a timely manner to more complex ones in the site admin panel, ftp accounts, on hosting …

4. Scripts

4.1. After the buyer pays for the script, we undertake to send the client a link to download the archive with the script files within 5 working days.

4.2. Scripts are not entirely our development. We do not write scripts, we only edit them.

4.3. We do not prohibit the use of scripts and make personal changes to them, while we are not responsible for the correct operation of the script after making changes by the buyer.

4.4. Resale of scripts to third parties is prohibited.

4.5. We are not responsible for installing the script on an unsuitable hosting.

5. Services

5.1. Services are performed only after full payment and provision of all necessary information to start work.

5.2. The term for the service can be up to 15 working days, depending on the workload and volume of work.

5.3. Services are performed only on sites written on CMS WordPress

5.4. When ordering an additional package of auto-fill sources, we ourselves choose how many sources to connect within the selected package. Exceptions may be sites of narrowly focused topics. In this case, the number of connected sources may be less than in the provided package.

5.5. We are not responsible if, after performing a certain service, the buyer changed some data, as a result of which there were problems with the ordered service. In this case, the correction is possible only after the next full payment for this service. First of all, this concerns services related to social networks, site installation. If necessary, connection via remote access is possible.

5.6. When ordering services through the store, after full payment, through some payment gateways, the status Completed may be automatically assigned due to the technical settings of these gateways. This does not mean that the service has been completed. The application may take up to 15 business days to process. If the buyer orders any service, pays in full, the application goes into the status of completed, and the order is not actually completed, claims within 15 working days from the date of ordering the service are not accepted. As soon as the specialists are accepted for the site, the status changes to “Processing” and after full completion it is Completed.

5.7. If the buyer completed the purchase of the service in the store and did not provide the necessary data to perform this service within 15 calendar days, the status of the application is automatically transferred to Completed. Re-applying the buyer for this service is accepted after re-ordering and full payment.


6.1. All purchases made are final. An exception can only be made if there is a technical problem that we cannot solve and as a result you will not be able to use the site or the script. The user can count on a refund only in case of incorrect operation of the site, script or its complete inoperability, and only if we cannot solve the problem. In this case, the user is obliged to provide links and screenshots with a description of the problem, unfounded claims are not accepted!

6.2. It is forbidden to transfer the source files (sites, scripts) to anyone, otherwise, the service is immediately terminated, and THE PURCHASE FUND IS NEVER REFUNDED.

6.3. We do not refund and are not responsible for IRRED PURCHASES.

6.4. It is worth remembering that when buying a site, you are buying an almost ready-made site blank on which it is recommended to make copyright changes, both in design and content, in order to maximize the uniqueness of the site and protect it from various sanctions.

7. Warranty

7.1. All products, except for the service category and domains, have a guarantee. From 01.03.2016 we have an unlimited warranty.

7.2. Warranty service means updating the product in the store or, in the case of autocomplete sites, providing a working export file of updated sources.

7.3. As part of the warranty service, the Top-Bit administration is obliged to provide the corrected source files to the client, after which the client, in accordance with our instructions, must implement them on the site or order this service in the store for a fee.

7.4. Warranty and repair support issues are only accepted and dealt with on a general basis. If such an appeal is received, the administration accepts this application and is obliged to release an updated product or part of the product within 1 month.

7.5. Warranty service does not include installation of additional site functionality, updates or other actions.

7.6. Warranty service is not provided in the event that user changes are made by the client to the site settings, as a result of which the site’s performance is impaired.

7.7. Warranty service is not provided if problems arose after updating the CMS of the site or a separate plugin to a newer one that differs from the assembly sold.

7.8. When ordering an auto-completion installation on a ready-made client site, a 1-month guarantee is provided if the sources were selected by Top-Bit specialists. No warranty is given on autofill sources if they were provided by the customer.

This agreement is subject to change without notice.

By placing an order on this site, you acknowledge your acceptance of this agreement and your intention to assume the corresponding obligations.

Since May 25, 2018, after the entry into force of the new GDPR requirements, the Privacy Policy has been updated. By accepting the current Terms and Agreements, you agree to the updated rules of the Privacy Policy.

The last revision of these Terms and Conditions was 05/29/2018

Please use contact form for all questions related to this Agreement.

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