What does a web analyst do?

Web Analyst

A web analyst is engaged in collection and analysis of data, since today one of the tasks of a specialist is the process of increasing the efficiency of the site.

This work consists of monitoring and analyzing traffic indicators. We are talking about natural traffic. The second task is to increase the conversion.

Key tasks of web analytics

  • The specialist will have to install everything needed on the target site. Deploy analytical systems, etc.
  • After setup and debugging, data collection begins. This is tracking traffic from contextual advertising, search engines, etc.
  • Next, work with reports begins. There is everything you need to generate such documentation inside analytical systems. But this is in an ideal world. In fact, the analyst spends quite a lot of time working with reporting.
  • After generating reports, the main work begins. Analysis of the received data.
  • After the analysis, the specialist collects all the data at hand and gives a technical justification for what is happening. And also, on this basis, it compiles a base of recommendations and reports directly for management or its own customer.

Classification: goals and results

By goals and results, all processes are divided into 3 categories:

1.     Cross-cutting approach.

2.     Behavioral approach.

3.     SEO.

The end-to-end method assumes an emphasis on the result from different channels. Key task: identifying priority and most effective campaigns and channels. If we are talking about e-commerce: focus on the payback and profit of investment in marketing. In the media: Audience returns and subscriptions.

The end-to-end method is not suitable for the analysis of target audience. For more detailed work with the target audience, the behavioral approach is used. The audience is segmented, after which a forecast is made for each segment of the identified audience. User interest data is a by-product.

To expand channels with natural (organic) traffic, use SEO tools. As a result, organic traffic is increased by improving positions and expanding the content base.

An SEO analyst identifies gaps in link profiles, content, BR, and more. SEO analysis requires the use of log analyzers, audit platforms, Google analytics platforms, etc.

Audit and further optimization of SEO is a separate direction in analytics. It relies on an extended list of tools.

The 3 approaches put together can be considered a complex job. The advantage of the cumulative approach is obvious: it is possible to cover: profit data, for calculating profitability; marketing data; behavioral and social indicators that allow you to know the target audience; data for subsequent SEO optimization.

The final result of an integrated approach gives the most complete picture of what is happening. Web analytics can be classified in another way.

Typical scenario

It all starts with setting a goal. Or multiple targets. What do we want to achieve?

The goal can be anything. From increasing coverage to increasing the mass of subscribers. Or an increase in sales. The goal cannot be amorphous. There is enough irrationality in this work, goals should be formulated specifically.

The second stage is the collection of information. By all available tools and methods.

As a result, a serious array of disparate data is collected, which has yet to be processed. And display it in a report or on dashboards.

Next, you need to decide on a set of KPIs. KPI in this case is a list of metrics needed to analyze the behavior of the audience. KPI metrics are also needed to collect data on the effectiveness of a particular marketing technique.

From theory to theory

Further, in the company, based on the available data, they begin to develop their own strategy. This applies to marketing promotion and advertising. Companies rarely spend time and employee hours on specific research. Which is a kind of mistake, but it is also a trend.

From theory to practice

The process of obtaining results begins. They won’t always be positive. On the contrary, a positive result in 100 percent of cases, as a trend, should alert. Experiments begin from the same stage.

A field for web analytics experiments

The experimental stage is accompanied by numerous final tests. The simplest test is a/b. Those. was/was. So, you can determine the trend of change. It can be both negative, and that’s okay. So positive. And this is good news.

Let’s summarize. A web analyst is a multifaceted, complex, but necessary profession. The specialist is engaged in a number of tasks, and the results of the work of the resource will depend on how high-quality his work will be.

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