What to do with the new site so that people know about it?

What should I do with the new site so that people know about it?

In our time, it is impossible to imagine a successful business that would do without its own website on the Internet. Such a “business card” helps people learn about new services for them and provides easy access to them. However, in a world full of a huge number of different Internet resources, the site of a certain company can get lost among many others without finding its user. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of its development, promotion and security, with which our partners are always ready to help.

Why are sites not visible?

The first problem with newbie sites is their invisibility to potential customers. If you approach the creation and development of sites thoughtlessly, then this can result in the absolute uselessness of such resources, as well as their corresponding unprofitability, because no one will know about them. In order to promote your site to a position higher in the list of user search results, you need to master the craft of SEO promotion. In short, this is setting up various parameters of the site and working with its text in such a way that the algorithms of Google (or any other search engine that receives a request) recognize the site as necessary for the user and display it in the list of search results.

What to do if you don’t know how to SEO?

Not every site owner can or wants to do this, but it doesn’t matter. For several years now, there have been many companies on the labor market that provide their services for website promotion. One of these, which I am not ashamed to recommend, is an Internet marketing agency Webmate.kz/SEO. Over the eight years of its work, the WebMate team of specialists managed to set up more than 3,000 advertising campaigns. Using only effective and proven tools, they achieve excellent results, increasing the profitability of their clients’ businesses.

On their website, you can learn more about the services provided, read their blog with interesting information about their completed orders and the result of the team’s work, how it affected customers and what benefits it brought them. WebMate is the owner of the Google Premier Partner status, which is given to truly significant companies in the field of marketing and promotion. All agency employees are also certified specialists in Google AdWords, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager Fundamentals.

Why is security important?

After successfully promoting a site in the Google SERPs, the next thing to do is to make sure its position there is stable. The fact is that not only SEO-promotion is responsible for the popularity of the site, but also its security and reliability. The unrestricted access of people to the World Wide Web, no matter how good this may be, entails the creation of a very unsafe environment for those sites whose owners did not take care of their immunity from hacker attacks in a timely manner.

Not only are such attacks themselves dangerous by leaking important data, disrupting the correct operation of the systems configured on the site, and other troubles that no one would like to face, the insecurity of the Internet resource will also be a reason for Google and search engines like it lower the site in the list of user search results, and even directly scare people away by warning about the harmfulness and undesirability of visiting the site. The main weapon against this is knowledge.

Knowing how attackers can try to disturb your peace, knowing how to counter this and how their attacks can directly affect the popularity of your site – all this is necessary to successfully maintain website protection. Just to inform its readers on the above topics, the Kazakhstan Forbes Internet blog published an article designed to help people understand this problem and find a solution.

Conclusion In addition, there are many more ways, tricks and rules by which you can popularize your site that this article does not cover. The main thing to remember is that simply creating a site will not be enough, you always need to take care of its promotion as well. Don’t let your time and money sink into too many competitive offers. And we and our partners are ready to help you with this, that for many years of experience we have already managed to make sure how to do it right and efficiently, and what better not to do.

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