Buy a ready-made website in Ukraine for income

Buy a website in Ukraine for income

We’re back!

These are not the most pleasant times all over the world. Economically, it has become difficult for absolutely everyone. In the field of the Internet and IT services, everything has also become very difficult.

The huge audience of Russia is isolated from the civilized world, and many companies, including us, were left without a huge audience of customers.

We decided not to despair and did not close completely during this hard time. After all, we have many clients from other countries. And it pleases.

Let’s help each other.

We are in Ukraine and this is our country! Our mission is to help economically our country and fellow citizens. That is why we keep working.

First of all, we want to launch a discount on our products so that it becomes more accessible to the largest possible audience.

The discount will be applied automatically to all promotional items.


  • From 16.06.2022 to 30.06.2022 there is a 60% discount on all ready-made websites.
  • From 06/16/2022 to 06/30/2022 there is a 40% discount on all services.

The offer is not eternal and this is your chance to start your own website and start receiving passive income.

Given that many of our sites were designed for Russia and Russian-language sources are used there (many of which do not work due to sanctions), we make an additional discount on such products.

Peace and goodness to all. We will win!

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