Cookbook site will be of interest to everyone who wants to earn even more. The site can easily monetize and receive passive income.
The estimated income of the site can be: 4000 rubles per month.
Important! Please note that the update is disabled on the demo version. After installation on your server, the site is fully filled.
27.00 $Recipe-book
27.00 $ -
Culinary guide site will be of interest to everyone who wants to earn even more. A huge database of ingredients is already included in the site. Filter dishes by ingredients. The site can easily monetize and receive passive income.
The estimated income of the site can be: 8000 rubles per month.
Important! Please note that the update is disabled on the demo version. After installation on your server, the site is fully filled.
38.00 $Cookbook
38.00 $ -
Auto-filled culinary portal (Premium)
Auto-filled culinary portal (Premium) original design and looks memorable. There is a convenient innovative form of automatic content replenishment from numerous trusted resources.
The site has been updated and has a lot of information on cooking of different nations.
The estimated income of the site can be: 3000 rubles per month.
25.00 $ -
Auto-filled food blog
Auto-populated culinary blogallows you to use new technologies for auto-filling the site, the quality of this resource is noticeably increased. New information arrives in mode 7/24. At the same time, the content is automatically cleared from unnecessary tags and links.
- portal works only with selected information;
- good website design makes it very easy to find what you need;
- the new program cleans the content of the site from any “garbage”;
Illustrations and photos come from the links of the copyright holders, which makes it possible to avoid a ban from search engines for copyright infringement. The powerful plugin All in One Seo Pack oversees the work of the programs.
All content of the site is differentiated, it is easy and convenient to view and read even for a beginner.
Pages are divided into links of subsections and headings. Rebuilt CNC. The entire resource is oriented to Russian
The estimated income of the site can be: 550 rubles per month.
8.00 $Auto-filled food blog
8.00 $ -
Auto-filled women’s magazine
Magazines for women have always been leaders among the media, both print and online. We offer an excellent site for collecting and promoting any information that will be of interest to the fair sex. Our online magazine will provide high attendance and stable income, thanks to an excellent auto-completion algorithm. You will get a constant wide audience, the possibility of quick and convenient feedback, which will allow you to effectively build the work of the resource and receive a more stable and high income.
Estimated income of the site can be: 4000 rubles per month
35.00 $Auto-filled women’s magazine
35.00 $ -
Autocomplete site Interesting facts Know everything
Most of the world’s population daily watches the news and searches for interesting information. A site with fascinating facts or exciting news topics will attract large numbers of visitors, which in turn will allow you to receive a stable tangible income.
Something interesting happens every minute. In order for the content of such a resource as Auto-filled site Interesting facts find out everything to be constantly updated, Top-bit provided it with a special auto-filling technology that eliminates the need for constant manual search for facts.
The estimated income of the site can be: 2500 rubles per month.
22.00 $ -
Autocomplete culinary website
The culinary theme will not disregard any female representative, and sometimes even male. When choosing a good site for making money, you should pay great attention to its subject matter. In this case, the theme of cooking will collect a huge number of users on the site. The auto-filled culinary site has a nice and clear design. This is the best portal that offers a huge number of delicious recipes.
The estimated income of the site can be: 1000 rubles per month
8.50 $ -
Autofillable Female Portal (Premium)
The site Autofillable Female Portal (Premium) is stylishly designed in the spirit of minimalism. Convenient functionality. Original design. There is a fancy script that provides automatic content replenishment. All incoming information is also processed and cleared automatically. At the very beginning, the site can bring more than two thousand rubles a month.
The estimated income of the site can be: 2900 rubles per month.
22.00 $ -
Culinary blog
Culinary blog is a great opportunity to start your own business. Complete online resource Absolutely FREE. The funds spent quickly pay off, the site owner begins a great journey to the beautiful World of Culinary.
Free!Culinary blog
Free! -
Autocomplete site Culinary portal
Everyone loves to eat tasty and satisfying food, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s at home or in a restaurant. We offer an excellent site for collecting and promoting any information that will be of interest to lovers of delicious food and haute cuisine achievements. Our Internet portal will provide high attendance and stable income, thanks to an excellent auto-completion algorithm. You will get a constant wide audience, the possibility of quick and convenient feedback, which will allow you to effectively build the work of the resource and receive a more stable and high income.
The estimated income of the site can be: 4850 rubles per month.
35.00 $ -
FoodFast auto-filled culinary site
We are constantly adding new sites and many of them we make themes that are already present. First of all, we learn from our mistakes and we do each next work taking into account the shortcomings of the previous ones. We try to make websites faster, better seo optimized and with better content. We want you to really get the maximum benefit from the sites.
The estimated income of the site can be: 3500 rubles per month
40.00 $ -
Auto-filled culinary portal Vkusno
The key factor in making money on the Internet with the help of the site is the correct selection of topics. Well, if we are talking about comfortable promotion of a web resource that will not take a lot of time from a novice webmaster, then the Auto-filled culinary portal Vkusno, which you can purchase right now, is the best choice. Especially if you love culinary themes and know a lot about good recipes. It’s no secret that the best sites for making money are culinary portals with a lot of unusual delicious dishes.
The estimated income of the site can be: 3000 rubles per month.
50.00 $ -
Auto-filled culinary site Gastronome
The key factor in making money on the Internet with the help of the site is the correct selection of topics. Well, if we are talking about a comfortable promotion of a web resource that will not take a lot of time from a novice webmaster, then the Gastronom auto-filled culinary site, which you can purchase right now, is the best choice. Especially if you love culinary themes and know a lot about good recipes. It’s no secret that the best sites for making money are culinary portals with a lot of unusual delicious dishes.
The estimated income of the site can be: 3000 rubles per month.
20.00 $ -
Autocomplete culinary website
Today, making money on the Internet is a widespread phenomenon, there are many options for obtaining passive income. Auto-filled culinary site is the best opportunity to start your own business, while spending a minimum of funds to purchase this portal.
WARNING!!! Our company has long since switched to a new auto-filling system. In this regard, we do not provide support for the old auto-completion system. We can only upgrade to the new autofill system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
4.50 $