Source โ€“ we often use this term when we talk about auto-filled sites. This is the site from which the information is taken.

What is source

When using the autocompletion system based on the WPGrabber plugin, we generate feeds from certain sources at the development stage. Next, the parser looks at the source and checks for new records that satisfy the parameters of the tape.

If there are such articles or news, they are added to the site.

What sources can there be

Under the source can be almost any site. To set up a feed from this source, an RSS feed can already be used, or the html code of the page.

It is important to understand that the parser does not take all the information, but only monitors the index page of the source.

There are cases when it is not possible to parse a particular source. the reasons may be different. The most common problem is that all sources are on different servers and work differently.

We use 2 main source processing methods:

  1. CURL
  2. File_get

For correct parsing of source data, your hosting must support both types.

How to order customization of autocomplete sources

You can order the service of connecting auto-fill sources in our store in the services section. The service is located at link. You can also order the connection of additional sources directly when buying a site in a special block Together is cheaper.

Important! The order is made for the connection of the autofill tape.

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