Capturing an object in WpGrabber. Lesson 20

Lesson 20. Grabbing an object in WpGrabber

Hello everyone!

We continue to delight you with lessons related to setting up WordPress and the autocompletion system through the Wpgrabber plugin.

You must have encountered the problem that when setting up the feed on the source, there is no picture inside the record, or after it there is a lot of extra code that needs to be cut out. No problem. Our simple recommendations will help solve big problems.

In previous-tutorials-we-have-already-covered:

In this video we are looking at the process of capturing an image from meta tags and setting it after the starting point in the WpGrabber plugin.

You’ll learn how to buffer a specific piece of code and output it at the right place, even if it doesn’t fall between the start and end point.

In general, see everything yourself)

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