Auto-filled women’s magazine

35.00 $

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Magazines for women have always been leaders among the media, both print and online. We offer an excellent site for collecting and promoting any information that will be of interest to the fair sex. Our online magazine will provide high attendance and stable income, thanks to an excellent auto-completion algorithm. You will get a constant wide audience, the possibility of quick and convenient feedback, which will allow you to effectively build the work of the resource and receive a more stable and high income.

Estimated income of the site can be: 4000 rubles per month

    • 5.00 $ 4.00 $
    • 25.00 $ 20.00 $
    • 40.00 $ 35.00 $
    • 33.00 $ 25.00 $
    • 80.00 $ 70.00 $
    • 7.00 $ 5.00 $
    • 3.00 $ 2.00 $
    • 1
      3.00 $ 2.00 $

    Specify the sources from which to take information and in which section on the site to add it

Options amount
24.00 $30.00 $
Final total
59.00 $65.00 $

Buy Auto-filled women’s magazine

The eternal question that haunted many generations of great minds. The question is so complex that it has become rhetorical. How to answer it, if every woman is unique and inimitable, nature is sensual and emotional, her desires are changeable and fickle, she herself may not know what she wants in a minute.

But the modern technologies used in allow access to all the knowledge of mankind throughout its history, which gives a chance to respond to the needs, desires and interests of every woman. Automatic search and adding thematic information focused on women and their needs will answer the seemingly rhetorical question – What do women want?

More female related sites.

You will receive a ready-made website with a huge set of features and capabilities, the key ones being:

  • Full theme fit
  • Premium design and maintenance
  • SEO optimization for website promotion
  • Auto-filling news feed
  • Adaptation for mobile devices
  • Grid show
  • Social buttons allow you to post on popular social networks
  • Convenient feedback from site visitors and users
  • User registration and accounting system
  • A forum for discussion by a wide audience of any issues and topics
  • The most common WordPress system

And much more, will ensure the smooth operation of your site and stable earnings.

P.S. If you get a 404 error when going to any page, go to the admin panel in the Settings – Permalinks section and just click save.

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